Because reciprocal links are so mutually beneficial (for search engine rankings and referrals ) we welcome links with good quality sites.

If you think your site is suitable for linking with us please complete this form and click the "Send" button. We will review your site and arrange a link if we agree it is appropriate.


An art gallery displaying paintings and prints by Mike Knight



You may copy our banner to use as a link.

Alternatively, copy and paste this code. The image and link will then appear on your page.

<a href=""><img src="" width="266" height="87" alt="An art gallery displaying paintings and prints by Mike Knight"></a>

If you prefer a text only link, copy and paste the following code

<A HREF=""><B>"The Country Artist: the Internet art gallery"<B></A>-Paintings and prints by Mike Knight

A choice of other banners can be found by clicking here

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URL of the page where you have placed our link:
The URL of your banner (if you have one):
Brief description of your site